-The Shigofumi ©2013 is a private group, no leader, no plan, only one goal... A change, The World Is Ours-


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April 2024
Emoticons Free--
Register I_icon_minitime11/4/2012, 22:43 by りこ春野
Register Tongue0007

Comments: 9
Academic Problems
Register I_icon_minitime11/19/2012, 11:23 by Skeith
Ok, I put this up here for study reasons, not homework. (Because it might take more than one night to reply to your post.) But if you need any help studying for a test or you just don't get it and you don't have time to ask your teacher, just post and just maybe someone here can help you out. Very Happy

Also, if you find something wrong in someones answer/problem don't get a "I'm better than you" …

Comments: 1
Stressful times?
Register I_icon_minitime11/1/2012, 21:48 by Skeith
So if you're stessful, right now let this post be a breather and post anything on this post, anything and EVERYTHING! will not be said out side of this post if so... well then message me and I will take care of the problem...

Comments: 30
Podcast Artwork
Register I_icon_minitime12/10/2012, 22:26 by Skeith
Ok, as many of you know. I have started up a recruiting podcast type on youtube... Anyway I found myself stuck half-way through my second podcast... I need more artwork >.< Anyone is welcome to send artwork or post it here. You can send artwork to shigofumiwebsitepodcast@gmail.com , I will be sure to check the inbox and try to use everyones artwork...("Try" being the keyword...) but help me out …

Comments: 2
Shigofumi Podcast.
Register I_icon_minitime11/20/2012, 11:13 by Skeith
Ok I know not that many people know what I'm doing but, I have made a youtube channel for this website (with the permission of Shigofumi), it'll be a podcast type thing. My idea with this is that it can drag a few people from youtube into this and I will talk about what we do, I'll try to do one at least every other week(maybe month depending on what my school life and family life looks like. …

Comments: 32
What's Up?
Register I_icon_minitime12/30/2012, 01:35 by Skeith
So what's going on in your life?

Me? I got my wisdom teeth pulled out two days ago and today I got out of the hospital because I may have had one or two seizures yesterday... I also got my new kindle fire HD, using it right now and loving it... So I feel great!

Comments: 6
An Important Question For All...
Register I_icon_minitime11/1/2012, 00:11 by Shigofumi
I've made a poll, please if you would contribute your answer. It only takes a click. Thank you--

The question is basically is, people from different parts of the world gather all together in this forum and share their thoughts to the other members. We become a strong group, but... is this a good idea? Yes or No? scratch

Comments: 15
Register I_icon_minitime1/2/2013, 17:48 by Melodia Александра
Happy New Year to you all. santa
I guess I'm new to this forum and so far i have read quite some good posts users have made, i too have my own information i'd like to share but maybe later on.

Comments: 11
Rumors and Truths
Register I_icon_minitime10/30/2012, 21:44 by Skeith
So, I'm making this thread, for others out there, to put some rumors out there, and some truths if you want, I wanna see what's going on out there in the world...

Comments: 63
Most Viewed Topics
Rumors and Truths
--//Golden Secret\\--
Stressful times?
What's Your Favorite Anime!
Shigofumi Podcast.
new user and loving it!
An Important Question For All...
Let's Do A Group Thing!
Emoticons Free--
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The Shigofumi

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